DAY 42

lol so the 30 days came and went! I was able to end the month of April 21.6 pounds lighter than I started. And I started May with the intention of doing the 5:2 diets.  I did that for a week and was inspired to create my own diet plan which I named it the 7:5 diet. So far I have done it for 4 or the 7 days I intend to and I have lost another 11 lbs. slowly but surely I am well on my way to my goal of being 132 lbs by August 9th. I am grateful for all the wonderful inspiration and all the amazing food I have gotten to eat. And I am so thankful for my body and how easily it is releasing this weigh. I have been drinking 64 oz of water daily as a minimum and that seems to really be helping with the weight loss.
Current Weight 5/12/17

Starting weight 
