Day 1

Day 1 was a success!.
It started with me getting on the scale to document the start of this journey. I did a hot yoga class in the morning which helped me set my intention for the day and  renew my commitment to myself to release these excess pounds and reset my body. I got the inspiration to buy a journal and to document my juicing experience. the inspiration was to experiment with how much juice to drink and how often. So I spent the day working out how much juice I needed to drink each time in order to make it to two and a half hours without feeling hunger. By experimenting I figured out that for my body if I drink at least 10 ounces of juice every 2-2.5 hours the day goes smoothly with no hunger pangs. I was also inspired to make a warm juice soup for dinner. I heated about a half cup of vegetable broth to boiling and juiced 3 organic tomatoes, garlic, green onion and a Thai chili peppers which i poured into the boiling water it worked out well.

Day 1 Weigh in: and so it begins
