My intention for this body reboot

I have decided that April 2017 will be the month that I transform my body. I will give my body the chance to reset and repair, the chance to get back to factory default.
There are 365 days in this year and my intention is to take these next 30 short days for myself, to change my body and recreate the blueprint of myself in my mind.

  • My intention is to use yoga, meditation, and juicing to transform my body completely in this short span of time.
  • My intention is to completely love and nourish my body for the next 30 days with organic produce.
  • This transformation will be quick and I want to document it with pictures as a way to keep a record of this change and also to keep me motivated.
My goal is to lose 60 lbs within the next 30 days or come darn close
My goal is to build in a 10 pound buffer from my goal weight of 135
My goal is to average 2 pounds a day of weight loss every day for the month of April
My goal is to love and believe in myself that this is possible and I can completely reset and get to where I want to be in 30 short days

I have faith in me and in this body, if it wasn't possible i wouldn't have gotten the idea to do it. I have the tools and I have done this before many years ago so I know what to expect. This juice cleanse will be easy, this will be fast, I will reach my goal. 
